For veterans and military members who need medical attention at facilities far from home, travel and lodging for themselves and family can get expensive. But thankfully, there are folks who can help.
For more than 27 years, the Fisher House program has provided “a home away from home” for families of patients receiving medical care at major military and VA medical centers. The homes provide temporary free lodging, so families can be close to their loved ones during a medical crisis. The military non-profit organization has helped more than 335,000 military families since the program began in 1990.
“We could not do what we do without support from donors likhttps://veteranblog.wpengine.com/blog/fisher-house/affinity-partner…house-foundation/e Veteran Energy,” said Megan W., Fisher House Foundation’s manager of corporate and foundation relations in a recent interview. “It’s an honor and a privilege to be chosen as an Affinity Partner.”
Fisher House is unique, she said, because unlike some charitable groups, it’s able to send 100 percent of the donations it receives to designated Fisher Houses.
Right now, there are 76 of the homes around the world, and nine new homes are under construction. One of the newest being planned is set for San Antonio, Megan said.
“Texas also has one of the largest contingents of military and veterans in the country,” she said. And that makes the Lone Star state a prime location for such facilities. Texas was one of the first states to receive Fisher Houses in the early 1990s just as the organization was starting out. Today, there are 14 Fisher Houses in Texas.
The VA and the Department of Defense help select the sites for Fisher Houses, based on where the home is needed most. Upon completion, Fisher Houses are later gifted to the government to run in perpetuity. It’s a wonderful partnership to support military, veterans and their families during a medical crisis.
In terms of the new San Antonio house, Megan said, it’s still early in the process. But members from the VA, DOD and Fisher House are looking for a suitable build site on the campus of the South Texas Veterans Healthcare System.
Veteran Energy is proud to help support this group in its efforts. And we can’t wait to see—and help support—the many great things it has planned in the near future.
If you’d like to learn more about Fisher House, click here. If you’d like make a donation, click here.