The U.S. has more than 200,000 men and women deployed to places such as Germany, Japan, South Korea and war-torn Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.
Many of those men and women are from the great State of Texas, which has the second highest number (about 115,000 people) serving as active duty in the military. Texas also has about 53,000 members serving in the National Guard and Reserve, which is also the second highest number for all the states in that category.
It’s clear Texans place value in the U.S. armed forces and stand behind the men and women who make it all possible.
So does Veteran Energy.
One small way that some show support is to wear something red on Fridays. The grass roots effort started a few years ago with Americans who wanted to show more support for our troops overseas. The acronym in RED Fridays stands for Remember Everyone Deployed.
Even if you don’t have a friend or loved one serving overseas, wearing red is a good way to keep these men and women in your awareness—in your hearts and minds.
Veteran Energy would like to help spread the word about RED Fridays, if you don’t already participate. It’s a small gesture, but it can make a huge difference in the lives of all those who sacrifice so much to keep us safe and free.