Veteran Energy believes all of us should support our friendly neighborhood veteran-owned businesses. And we’d like to introduce you to an organization that helps them succeed. It’s called Veterans List.
The company gives information, guidance and connections to veteran business owners. It wants them to grow and prosper.
The Veterans List Mission
According to its website, Veterans List has a four-part mission:
- We provide patriotic Americans, large corporations and government employees a way to find and support veteran-owned business through our searchable directory. With over 130,000 business profiles, you certainly can find what you are looking for. If you cannot find something you are looking for, reach out to us; we can help.
- We provide deep discounts on business resources that veteran-owned businesses need to run their companies. Small businesses just don’t have negotiating power with vendors. Veterans List’s leadership team uses the list as a tool to negotiate deep discounts from high quality vendors and offer them to our list members. . . . We literally put money back in your pocket.
- We coordinate with large corporations interested in diversifying their service support and supply-chain spending with veteran-owned businesses. We maintain relationships with the supply diversity departments of many large national corporations and attempt to match corporate needs with the veteran-owned businesses that can bid and ultimately meet those needs.
- We provide information, connections and consulting to veteran-owned businesses. We’ve helped our businesses find partners, funding and education. We give advice to veterans that has changed business models, saved hundreds of thousands of dollars and helped launch new businesses. We have done promotions and made key connections. We are here for you. To your success; we’ve got your 6 [back, a military reference to the 6 o’clock position].
Do Your Part
If you know a veteran-owned business in your neighborhood, Veteran Energy asks you to follow Veterans List’s lead. Stop in. Say hello and thanks for your service. Give them your business. Thank you.