Let’s face it, large retail stores and the ability to shop online do, at times, make life easier. But it’s small “brick and mortar” businesses that keep this country running.
Since 2010, Veteran Energy has provided electricity to businesses like these – the places keeping most Texans employed. And we’re proud to be part of that.
November 26 is Small Business Saturday, a day to promote business at small, local shops that provide physical goods. The holiday was created in 2010 as a counterpart to Black Friday, which benefits big retail stores, and Cyber Monday, which focuses on e-commerce.
Of course, all of these business types play a part in driving our economy. But it’s the corner hardware stores, coffee shops and locally owned markets of America that make the most impact.
The Small Business Administration estimates that 99.7 percent of all U.S. firms with paid employees are small businesses. These small firms are also the biggest new jobs creators.
Smaller businesses are often more responsive to the needs of customers, and much of the money spent at these places stays in the community. Other local businesses end up doing better because of that. Employment goes up. And there’s a bigger tax base, which helps fund area schools, police and firefighters.
If you don’t already shop locally on this day, consider taking some time Saturday to patronize some of the small businesses in your area. We want them to keep their doors open.