Have you ever wondered what the different charges on your Texas electricity bill are for, and why you have them? We’re here to explain.
Energy Charge:
This is the cost of the electricity you and your family used during the billing period.
TDU Delivery Charges:
These charges are assessed by your local Transmission and Distribution Utility for the costs of delivering the electricity from the generation plant to your home. They are passed through to you without any markup from us.
These charges may be different depending on which utility’s area you are in. In some cases they may actually be bundled in your Energy Charge, so you won’t even see separate charges.
TDU Underground Facilities and Cost Recovery Charge:
This charge is imposed by some cities to cover the cost of underground power lines.
Customer Service Fee:
This is an administrative fee for maintaining your account, plus the hard work that all of our departments and employees put in each day to make this experience the best that they can for you!
Miscellaneous Gross Receipts Tax Reimbursement:
You will see this charge on your bill if you live in a city or town with a population of more than 1,000 people. This helps cover the taxes imposed on retail electric providers.
PUC Assessment:
This fee is assessed by the Public Utility Commission of Texas to help cover the costs of regulating the Texas electric market.
Sales Tax:
We know you know what these are, but to finish off our explanation, we pass along any taxes that apply in your city, district and the state of Texas.
There are two more possible (but avoidable) fees that you may see on your bill.
Late Fee:
If your balance isn’t paid by the due date, a fee of 5% of the unpaid balance will be applied to your account.
Returned Payment Fee:
A $30 fee will be charged to your account for all returned payments.
We all encounter financial challenges from time to time, so remember we offer payment arrangements and can put you in touch with energy assistance programs if you ever need assistance paying your bill.
For more information on how to read your bill, check out our handy-dandy guide.