Earlier this month, we began the testing phase of Veteran Energy’s new online customer portal. This makeover was inspired by the great customer feedback we’ve received during the last few months. And we’re grateful to all of you who had something to say. Your suggestions let us know there were a few things we could do to make an existing feature even better.
And when we rolled out a test version that had been reorganized and streamlined, customer feedback on the revamped version was overwhelmingly positive. So, we’ve gone live with it.
Making payments will be simpler with the new customer portal. And it will be easier to find things like your usage reports and your current rate plan and when it expires.
To make this happen, we took all of your great suggestions to our in-house technology and development team. Our software developers built this customer portal from the ground up.
And we set it up to make sure it’s easy to add new features in the future as we get more feedback from you. So don’t be shy. Let us know how you like this new customer portal when you’re there. We look forward to hearing from you.