For many, November is a time to come together. It’s a time for Veterans Day parades and for gathering around tables of roasted turkeys and casseroles. It’s a time to say thanks.
So, it’s only appropriate that it’s also Military Family Month. The families that stand behind our soldiers play an important role in the success of those brave men and women. And we salute you, too, families!
Nothing worthwhile is ever easy, though. Having a spouse or parent in the military can create some challenges. Luckily, there are dozens of groups that can help. Here are a few:
Family Assistance Centers (FACs) provide information, outreach and referrals locally. They serve members and family of Active, Reserve and National Guard. They exist in each state. Find out more about FACs.
“Yellow ribbon” events help military families get prepared for deployments. They help with information on healthcare and education. And they can also help with employment, and financial and legal benefits. Find out more about these events here and here.
Some groups can help military families with child care. Others can help kids cope with a deployed parent or the stress of having to move to a new place. Groups like the Military Child Education Coalition and the Department of Defense can help with opportunities in education.
The Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Veterans Affairs are good resources, as well.
Veteran Energy encourages all of you this month to reach out to a military family. Consider a simple phone call or card to say thanks. Offer your time to babysit. Volunteer to help with a little yard work.
These families are with their soldiers even when thousands of miles apart. They make it possible for them to do their jobs.