This time of year can be stressful for families, as kids get ready to head back to school. New clothes, backpacks and school supplies can get expensive. However, there’s help.
So this week, as many of our Texas veteran and military families get ready to send their kids back to school, we thought we’d outline a few resources to help save some cash.
In Texas, back-to-school shoppers can get most clothing, shoes, backpacks and school supplies tax free from August 9 to 11. Items must each be less than $100 and bought from a Texas store or online catalogue company that does business in the Lone Star State. Click here to learn more.
For more than 10 years, Operation Homefront has teamed up with Dollar Tree Inc. to help provide backpacks and school supplies for military children across the U.S. So far, the effort, known as the Back-to-School Brigade, has meant that more than 350,000 kids have received backpacks filled with supplies. In Texas this year, the organization has nine events planned at different locations throughout the state in August—including Houston (Aug. 7), Fort Worth (Aug. 14) and San Antonio (Aug. 10). Click here to see more event locations in Texas and to preregister for school supplies from Operation Homefront.
Once your kids are back in school, they might need a little homework help now and then. Tutor.com offers free online tutoring and homework help for the children of eligible service members. The U.S. Department of Defense and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance fund the organization, which provides help 24/7 from qualified online tutors in 50 different subjects. Click here to learn more and to see eligibility requirements.
Lots of stores offer great deals on items for veteran and military families. Here are just a few—click each store’s link under the different categories for more information:
- School supplies:
- Clothes and Shoes:
- Tech:
At Veteran Energy, we’re always looking for ways to help the brave members of our military community. We hope you find some of the resources above helpful.