Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan is the longest armed conflict in our nation’s history. Although many citizens know about the impending withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan in the coming year, they don’t know if there is a clearly demarcated end point. Estimates on how many military personnel will remain in Afghanistan range from around 10,000 to 50,000, and no two officials seem to agree on the exact number.
There is an equally serious debate on just how long the remaining personnel should stay and whether their reduced presence can make a difference in such a volatile region of the world. Could this be a “war that never ends”?
Many service organizations have been founded to assist these warriors and their families in the sometimes difficult transition from military to civilian life. For example, the Lone Survivor Foundation (LSF) was founded by Operation Enduring Freedom veteran and former U.S. Navy S.E.A.L. Marcus Luttrell to restore, empower and renew hope for wounded service members and their families. LSF accomplishes this mission by hosting outdoor retreats aimed at breaking down the barriers developed by combat stress and traumatic brain injury – the signature invisible wounds of the War on Terror.
Veteran Energy is a proud supporter of the Lone Survivor Foundation and over a dozen other Affinity Partners through The Power to Give Back™ program, which has donated over $50,000 to these much needed services. To learn more about our Affinity Partners that support all generations of veterans, click here.