Texas military veterans who want to go back to school should know about the Hazlewood Act. It gives veterans, their families and children up to 150 hours of tuition exemption. That state benefit can make a big difference in education costs.
Hazlewood Act Qualifications
For veterans to get the exemption, the Texas Veterans Commission website says they must:
- Name Texas as Home of Record when serving, or enter the service in Texas, or be a Texas resident;
- Have an honorable discharge or separation or a general discharge under honorable conditions;
- Have served at least 181 days (excluding training);
- Have no federal veteran’s education benefits;
- Not be in default on a student loan made or guaranteed by the State of Texas;
- Enroll in classes for which the college receives tax support unless the college allows otherwise; and
- Meet the institution’s GPA rule in a degree or certificate program as determined by the school’s financial aid policy. As an undergraduate student, the veteran cannot attempt an excessive amount of credit hours.
Veterans getting their first Hazlewood Act exemption must live in Texas during the semester or term that they claim the exemption. This does not apply to veterans who have reenlisted or live with a spouse in the Armed Forces.
The Hazlewood Act applies just to public colleges and universities in Texas. Go to the TVC website for complete details.
How to Apply
Click on the link above to learn more about the application process. You can apply for college on this page. Veteran Energy wishes you good luck. When you invest in education, you invest in America.