When you join Veteran Energy, you choose a military organization to support through our Affinity Partner program. Let’s pay a visit to Fisher House, which is one of our partners.
The organization supports military families who have traveled to accompany an injured service member undergoing major medical treatment. Away from the comforts of home, eating in restaurants and staying in hotels can be inconvenient and expensive.
Fisher House solves this by maintaining centers near leading hospitals to provide meals and free lodging for these families, making it easy and affordable for them to stay close to their loved ones.
Houston’s Two Fisher Houses
The Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center (MEDVAMC) in Houston includes Fisher Houses I and II. The center is on Holcombe Boulevard. The houses’ web page says, “They each feature a common room, a library, a family room, and laundry facilities. Fisher House I has 21 guest suites with private baths, and Fisher House II has 20. All rooms are equipped with a TV. Fisher House I also has a playroom for guests with children.”
The houses at MEDVAMC are pleasant and modern with nice touches in every room. And these are just two of over 50 Fisher Houses open now around the United States and in the UK. Future plans include building homes in more U.S. states, Germany, Korea and Japan.
How Veterans Qualify to Stay in a Fisher House
The houses are gifts to the military services and Department of Veterans Affairs. Each house sets its own eligibility, priorities and selection process. To learn about a Fisher House location’s requirements, just contact the manager and ask for details.
Who Pays for Fisher Houses?
Fisher Houses get funding in two ways. First, the organization receives money from a trust fund created by Congress. But the rest of their money comes from private donations. That’s where you come in.
When you join Veteran Energy and select Fisher House as your Affinity Partner, you give not just once, but for as long as you have an account with Veteran Energy.
Thank you to all who have helped to support Fisher House to make an impact in the lives of veterans with long-term illnesses.