The Vietnam War had a huge impact on America. In the 20 years our nation was involved in the conflict, more than 9 million U.S. citizens served in the military. About 500,000 of those Vietnam veterans were from Texas.
In honor of Vietnam Veterans Day—observed in Texas March 29, let’s look at three celebrated Texas veterans of that era who all received the Medal of Honor for their heroism:
Raul Perez Benevidez. On May 2, 1968, Army Staff Sgt. Raul Benevidez made a name for himself when he jumped from a rescue helicopter and saved eight wounded soldiers. Intense enemy fire had kept the helicopter too far away to make the rescue. But Benevidez knew he could get to the soldiers on foot. So, he braved 75 yards of flying bullets and was hit in the face, head and right leg. But that wasn’t enough to stop Benevidez. After some doing, he was able to carry some of the wounded back to the aircraft. And then he ran alongside the helicopter, providing cover fire so it could get closer to the remaining wounded.
Alfredo Cantu Gonzales. In 1968, U.S. Marine Sgt. Alfredo Gonzales was serving his second tour of duty in Vietnam as a platoon commander in Thua Thein. Near the end of January, Gonzales ran through heavy enemy fire to rescue fellow Marines on two occasions, despite being wounded himself. On Feb. 3, he was wounded again, refused treatment and by the next day found the strength to singlehandedly take out several enemy positions. Gonazales was killed in the fray on Feb. 4.
Alfred Mac Wilson. On March 3, 1969, U.S. Marine Pfc. Alfred Wilson paid the ultimate price while working to protect his fellow Marines. The young squad leader was attempting to recover an unmanned machine gun while being attacked by the Viet Cong. As he raced across the battlefield with a fellow Marine in tow, an enemy stepped out from behind a tree and lobbed a grenade at the two. Wilson threw himself on top of the explosive, absorbing its full destructive force. His actions, which cost him his life, are said to have inspired his platoon to battle victory that day.
Veteran Energy is so appreciative of all the brave men and women who have put their lives at risk to protect the American way of life. Thank you for your service.