Looking back, 2015 was a year of honors for Veteran Energy. Numerous organizations recognized the company’s ongoing commitment to positively impact the lives of veterans and their families. Among the citations were the Texas Veterans Commission’s 2015 Small Business of the Year and 2015 Employer of Disabled Veterans of the Year and the Better Business Bureau’s Distinction Award for Excellence.
Veteran Energy’s sponsorships are many and impressive. Among the many institutions sponsored in 2015 are Wings Over Houston, Lone Survivor Houston, The Mission Continues, the MD Anderson Cancer Foundation, the Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation, and several organizations devoted to women veterans’ issues, including Catholic Charities Lotus Project for Women Veterans and the Grace After Fire Women’s Veteran group.
2015 was also a year of amazing growth. Our total customer count increased by leaps and bounds, and this increased enrollment directly affects the company mission, known as The Power to Give Back™. At the end of the year, almost $150,000 had been distributed to Veteran Energy’s Affinity Partners.
And new organizations came aboard, joining our array of Affinity Partners. The American Legion, tireless champion of veterans’ issues, and the Semper Fi Fund, provider of immediate assistance to wounded veterans, bring our total of Affinity Partners to 18. Our customers have more choices than ever before in the ways their donations can make a difference in veterans’ lives.
Indeed, growth is the surest way Veteran Energy can fulfill its mission and remind us all of the critical role America’s veterans play in the protection of our liberties. We thank all our customers for their belief in our mission and all veterans for fighting to protect our cherished way of life.